Friday, 17 February 2012

Map : Hell_RC1

I have decided to start a new map based on the Hellraiser movies.  The basic map idea is show in the next image.

It is a big build because of all of the different elements in the idea and would take a long time.  I would like to make is small however for gun game but can see that I will need to be very hard on myself to limit the size.

Some images that I am getting ideas from (as well as the movies that I have at home) are:

possible idea for a corridor

char open mouthed

good side shot

pinhead open mouthed

I wouldn't expect this to be done anytime soon.  I am still re-making the messy room map to make it smaller and less laggy.

UPDATE 21st Feb 12

I have built the basic areas with teleport doors (some functioning) and have created the basic maze which needs more work.  I have started to create the pinhead 'head' which will be used as an entrance to the centre of the map.  The idea is a player leaves the maze (finds the exit) and the mouth/jaw of the head lowers to let them through.  It doesn't look much like pinhead yet and I don't know if it will eventually but so far I am hoping to come up with a recognisable attempt.  Once the head is done I can copy it for the other head required and remove some of the pinhead pieces to make one of the other movie characters.

I have started to make the hospital ward area with bed being made right now.  I have started to make a prefab of a patient that sits cross legged, rocking their body back and forth while holding small rotating 'cube'.  The limitation on this is the grid size, I am having trouble making small enough elements like the eyes and nose so might try and use textures on the face and clothes instead for the extra detail.  The rocking works okay - set to a random timer so he rocks at different intervals.  Once complete I will be able to replicate the patient, altering some textures and features like hair to make them all a bit different.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


I have completed CHESS.RC2  as a working map and expect that if there are any changes it will be small.  The map itself is a smaller (more workable version) that the one I initially envisioned in this blog and now looks very playable in gun game.

As you can see I have made a more reserved version of the map.  There are exploding castles, sniper positions in the king, teleports to get you to the rear keeps/forts in the sky, chess clocks, electrified middle rows on the chess board, secret drawers below the chess board to teleport and also get across the map quietly, and if you fall of the map you get teleported to the chess board in awkward places.

chess_rc2.bsp  If I need to do more edits it willl be chess_rc3

Map : Skelter RC3

I have completed SKELTER.RC3 map as a final version.  I recently started to use func_detail seriously and iy has made a great difference to map size and overall FPS on server.  I like skelter because I made it so quickly and the fact is it is actually a nice gun game map.

this has 2 spawns for each team (nort, south and east, west).  There are 3 towers that you can make your way up on to the top of the map.  Above the towers is a rotating star that can be reached via teleports.  There is a water bubble that can be teleported to the very top of the map and there is also ground teleports that mve you from one side of the map to the other.  There are also 4 exploding bombs that when you get close to will kill you BIG time.  Enjoy.